What is one of Danny’s issues? He is not always mindful of his own well-being. Whether it be romantic or just as friends, he hadn’t been out with a lady in an exceptionally lengthy period of time. It’s most likely one of the reasons Maggie invited him to karaoke; he seemed hesitant to accept her invitation, but we think the thought lingered in his mind.

As a matter of fact, that happened! Not only that, but the show finally had Donnie Wahlberg walk on stage as Danny … and then performed the biggest deception on us ever. The episode ended just as he was ready to break into a cover of the Rolling Stones. Sure, we saw some New Kids on the Block-style dance movements, but that was it. All of this is hilarious: You have a fantastic opportunity to have a member of one of the most successful boy bands ever sing, and then you don’t totally go there. Why? Blue Bloods, on the other hand, enjoys doing things like this. Bear in mind that they did not show us Jamie proposing to Eddie or the two of them exchanging vows. They like to leave things up to the imagination. Also, Danny Reagan may not be as excellent a singer as Donnie Wahlberg.

As for whether or not we’re going to see Maggie become a Danny love interest down the road, the jury is still out on that. It’s a divisive subject, but we’ll say this: It’s great for Danny to have a friend, especially one who is completely different from him in so many ways.

What a Tease

Donnie Wahlberg attempted to discuss his “Blue Bloods” series on Thursday’s broadcast of “The Talk.” The star wants to take the conversation off of his New Kids life and concentrate on the show’s Season 12 premiere. But he couldn’t resist. “There is breaking news. Now, I’m going to announce that the season premiere of ‘Blue Bloods’ is tomorrow. So, I don’t want to trample on it by sharing too much New Kids knowledge because I’m in Danny Reagan mode right now. However, we will be announcing a tour for 2022 on Monday of next week. Thus, you heard it first here,” Wahlberg stated. And with the karaoke fun, it looks like he’s only warming up.

Wahlberg’s Childhood Photo

During Friday’s show, the “Blue Bloods” star went back even deeper than his New Kids days. The photographs show his development, yet in the same recognisable pose that followers have grown accustomed to. In the first, larger photo, there’s a black-and-white photo of himself as a kid. The alterations, such as the hairline, may be seen in two more photos. I was only joking, Donnie. One fan discovers something in a photo and goes to Twitter, joking, “Wait, are you supposed to put the evidence in your pocket?” Wahlberg answered instantly. It is not “technically” evidence,” he stated. “It was a young child’s sock that slipped off during medical treatment. However, nobody witnessed that segment.”